Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WoW PvP = Skillless,Heal/Gear-Based CC Abusing Grindfest! PT. 1

"The year is 2014 and Blizzard development team is still no closer to finding the right cure for PvP. Despite claiming that "balance is an art" (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2956383), it seems that the longer the development team goes down this tight rope known as "PvP" they make less progress across every time. In fact, everything just seems to get worse."

Let's get into it shall we...


I remember playing SWTOR and doing PvP. I said to myself, "Why did I leave WoW for this game? The PvP here is terrible! All these stun and heals! All these classes that have huge advantages in matches! This game sucks! I'm going back to WoW!" Little did I know...

Blizzard had changed WoW to the exact same thing.

Now, I may be a bit jaded because the good times to me for WoW PvP (Vanilla) were when gear wasn't the major factor in winning for most classes (cough cough rogues) and how you played was usually much more effective than anything you wore. Even if you were still killed by someone with better gear, putting up a good fight made you feel much better about yourself as a player. 

Hell, I remember killing a warrior that was 10 levels higher than me just by outplaying him!

Alas, Blizzard development team ruined "World PvP" by trying to capitalize on it's popularity and turning it into a terrible instanced GRINDFEST. Blizzard went even further by adding numerous high level guards to towns to discourage town raiding and finally they killed it off completely their LFG queue system. Now Blizzard development assumes they can fix World PvP but from this video it's pretty obvious they have NO IDEA what "World PvP" even means:

According to them, World PvP = Sitting on a random secluded island such as Timeless Isle. While it was fun for about a week, that isn't "World PvP". This is just a clear case of Blizzard development pretending they understand the problem and yet still trying to control it.

 Now, all of this would be fine if they hadn't done this to PVP SERVERS but I assume they don't have the technology or will to make an effort to implement the changes on specific servers only. 

Those were the days though. 
But these days it's pretty damn obvious Blizzard has no idea what they are doing...ESPECIALLY when it comes to PvP. The state of PvP in WoW is not only completely absurd but stressful for anyone just trying to CASUALLY PvP. Let's look at low-level PvP for example.

Thanks to the heirloom system (I actually like the heirloom system though) players who have the H-Gear will probably kill a player without the gear in a matter of two shots or in an extremely fast manner. There will be no time to react to anything. All you can hope to do is be the first one to fire off a skill before you are gunned down by some hunter or stabbed in your spine by some rogue. If you are lucky, you might even see the attack coming via instant kill shield slamming warrior. 

If you aren't playing one of classes I just mentioned by the way, you are probably sitting in the graveyard reading this or watching this scripted drama crap:

 Spoiler Alert:
  • These bikes are already finished.
  • Blizzard is going to use it as a marketing gimmick for WoD.
  • Both factions are most likely going to both get bikes. 
  • Is everyone working at Blizzard almost 50? That explains the state of the game I assume.