So...I took this free "7 days come-back" special from Bioware for people who quit. They wanted us to come back to try the hyped up 1.2 legacy patch and give the game another chance. I decided to try it again because, well, Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet and maybe I judged SWTOR too early but...
...all it's doing so far is making me hate this game even more. There are many things I want to touch on but the major most noticeable thing is the PvP handsdown.
It's almost exactly 50% worse than it was before and worse than any game you've probably PvP'd in.
Yes, even Champions Online and Rift.
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Just Joined A Game. Republic Losing and Only Had 5 Players Vs. 8. This Happens 90% of the Day. |
Not to mention Bioware buffing/ changing classes in very rushed and sloppy way. And it's not me. I love PvP and found SWTOR pvp amusing and fun before 1.2. Now it's complete trash.
It's hard to describe how the PvP is worse because it was never really that good to begin with, but I'll give you an example:
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If You Play Republic, This Is What Your Score Will Typcially Look Like. Note If You Have Less Than 3 Medals, You Will Get No Reward. |
Before 1.2, you would get a certain amount of rewards if you lose. It wasn't as much as the winner but it was better than nothing.
Now, they changed things to the point that you can get NOTHING AT ALL for doing PvP matches. Literally, nothing. It's now based on medals. If you get very few or none, it's almost if you didn't even play a match.
And this will happen ALOT if you are playing on the Republic. I was just in a match, fighting the SAME pre-made Empire guild over and over. They would stomp us into the ground. This has alot to do with the "PvP" stats in game as well (which I find makes PvP worse in itself) but still let's say that wasn't even a factor.
The fact that you get NOTHING is stupid all together.
It's even more stupid because Bioware KNOWS 100% well that Republic is outnumbered or dead on almost every server. Not only that, on the server I am on, we barely, if ever, have a full team. So it's always 5 +/- Republic going against a full 8 man team of Empire.
I also say Bioware knows this because they are slowly leaning torwards making all the Warzones non -faction based. Which pretty much means Empire will be fighting Empire and Republic will fight Empire. See what I did there?
The sad part is, there are players ACTUALLY trying to play the PvP still. That part I DO NOT understand. For some of these players common sense will just never kick in. The PvP is imbalanced and not fun. Period.
But you know what? Instead of making some long post about this horrible broken PvP sytem, I'll leave you with some threads on the official forum where people are obviously not happy with this change to PvP:
In fact, the only ones that seem to be happy are the Empire. I wonder why?
With that said, if people want my advise on if they should buy this game...
...then the answer IS NO.
I can deal with MMO developers making mistakes but Bioware just does not listen. They do not test their content properly. They have no clue how to run a MMO or what a MMO needs.
Do not waste your money and time on SWTOR unless it goes free to play or you just want to do PvE single player type things.
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