Showing posts with label EA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EA. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2016

Ultimate Deluxe Super Mega Game Edition!

2016, almost 2017, and it's to the point where I can't feel sorry for consumers anymore when it comes to video games and the purchases of said games.

So, I was thinking about buying some games tonight. I don't know, I usually don't play half the games I buy more than a few hours once I find out it's just more fake-Hollywood, linear bullshit but sometimes the stories can be good. 

After seeing Rogue One, I became slightly interested in Star Wars again. I saw an ad for a Rogue One addition to Star Wars Battlefront and thought I might purchase it. I'm not much of an FPS person but they can be fun every now and then.

So upon my search,  I was scrolling through EA Origins and noticed this:

Yes that's right.

Three different editions for the game: "Standard", "Deluxe", and "Ultimate".

Each version has more than it's predecessor. I laughed about it at first and said to my girlfriend, "What's next? Super Ultimate Deluxe Edition?"


Wait. Wait. You know what? Maybe I'll check out that new Mass Effect game I...

So as it turns out: I wasn't that far off with my jest.

The jest of course being of how ridiculous and anti-consumerist these publishers could be.

I don't put any type of money grubbing scheme past these publishers now.

I am more amazed by the amount of people that continuously support these publishers though. 

We are now at the point where there is DLC on release. DLC literally being nothing more than content which was ripped from the final product, chopped up into pieces and sold in parts later. Of course, the developers and publishers like to deny this but they are in fact lying to you. 

We have "Season Passes" as well. Probably the worst of all the scumbag tactics these publishers have come up with. They literally sell you DLC garbage so that you don't pay for future DLC garbage they will release. Oh, but you don't know how much of the DLC garbage you will actually get because most, or all, season passes don't include ALL OF THE DLC GARBAGE. SURPRISE!

You know what I do now though? I skip any game that has DLC, more than one edition excluding GotY, and any other cheap money grubbing tactics. 

Most of these game are short and not even worth the price they are asking for. They want us to pay more for these games based on the "quality" but they surely don't reduce the prices to that merit.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) Is Going To Be A Piece Of Shit. And You Know It.

Oh here we go again.

Another big named IP MMO being pumped out to collect a month worth the subscription fees before everyone quits because they figured out the game was worthless, uninspired GARBAGE.


I Sure Hope This Is The Console Version

First warning should have been that Zenimax is making the game, you know, the parent company and not Bethesda? The the major warning should be that the game is under a heavy NDA just like SWTOR. Also, the fact that this game was announced to be for consoles also...I don't care what anyone says...if you have been playing MMOs as long as I have been then you should know there is NO WAY IN HELL a MMO is going to be good if it's on a console. Just due to the fact that a MMORPG should be about THE WORLD you are in first. And I'm not talking linear "follow this straight path to all your quest" worlds.

So anyways back to what I was saying...

This game has BARELY released any information other than cherry picked content, prevents everyone from streaming or showing any videos of the game, does FAKE Reddit "AMAs" called "AUA"( AUAHAHAHAH) and is releasing this shit in April.

Have you seen the trailer video for this shit?

I mean, this reminds me of Rift/Warhammer instantly. Look at the stiff animations. Are the only spells in this game fire and electricity based? What the fuck is going on. I've seen more motion in rocks I threw across the street (and accidentally broke my neighbors window :( ).

This game seems to be copying the SWTOR gameplan to a T. I mean ALL the character bodies and animations are EXACTLY the same. For ALL RACES. This is just like SWTOR.

Heavy NDA without releasing much of any real information. Just like SWTOR.

Using a popular IP from a single-player game. Just like SWTOR.

Cherry picking questions to answer. Just like SWTOR.

Instanced, watered-down. map-pack MMO. Just like SWTOR.
Yup It's FUCKING SWTOR II: The Journey To Free to Play (and eventually shutdown)

I'm starting to think that these MMOs are just hoping to get as much money as they can during the first month then when shit goes down hill, start firing all the staff and blaming the people who had nothing to do with the games failure before the top bosses leave the company with their fat checks.


 That lizard looks completely ridiculous on that horse.

 Laugh out loud.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

EA To Destroy Star Wars IP By Making Games Like SWTOR For Another 10 Years.

So...EA's chief financial officer "Blake Jorgensen" just said this on Eurogamer:

"Yes the original expectations obviously were very, very large and obviously the multiplayer MMO world has - the popularly has come down over time and we tried to restructure the Star Wars business to better match the economics. It's a great business that's very repeatable," he added. "We brought the economics in line so it's a profitable business for us."


Dear Jedi Jesus: Please Make Disney See The Light And Stop EA From Making More Star Wars Games.


Don't "RESTRUCTURE THE BUSINESS". This is the EXACT problem. Look at how he talks about the VIDEO GAME. They aren't worried about players having fun or enjoying the game. They are worried about how much money they can make every quarter.


Make REAL games that aren't meant to MILK the IP!

Put REAL effort into listening to your community!

Only people that currently play SWTOR are the people they thought would be the majority, the people who are die hard Star Wars fan. They are the only ones who don't care or don't notice just how bad the game is because they don't know any better or anything else.

I am seriously tired of EA and their sh--!


Monday, May 7, 2012

SWTOR Subscriptions Down 25%...

...but of course there is a reason.

And according to the diehard fans, it's either never Biowares' fault or it doesn't mean there is anything wrong. Everything is perfect in the land(s) of SWTOR...even if your server has 1 person on it.

Funny. I know.

Today's earning call provided facts that allowed us to finally understand that the dead servers we were playing on weren't just part of our "hater" imagination.

So now, the defense comes up.

On the forum, you have people who once said "SWTOR would surpass 2 million subscribers " saying , "I told you haters this game wasn't dying!" 

Yes, it makes perfect sense!

Because losing a quater of your playerbase means the game is still growing!

Sometimes, I really believe it's the fanboys that helped destroy SWTOR.

Sadly, it's probably the "haters" like me, that are big MMO fans, who saw this coming long ago. Instead of listening to us, Bioware tried to do the bidding of the people who have no idea what makes a good MMO.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

PvP in SWTOR 1.2 is Complete Crap...Unless You're Empire....

...but just so happens that 80% of  SWTOR's population play Empire.

So...I took this free "7 days come-back" special from Bioware for people who quit. They wanted us to come back to try the hyped up 1.2 legacy patch and give the game another chance. I decided to try it again because, well, Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet and maybe I judged SWTOR too early but...

...all it's doing so far is making me hate this game even more. There are many things I want to touch on but the major most noticeable thing is the PvP handsdown.

It's almost exactly 50% worse than it was before and worse than any game you've probably PvP'd in. 

Yes, even Champions Online and Rift.

Just Joined A Game. Republic Losing and Only Had 5 Players Vs. 8. This Happens 90% of the Day.

Not to mention Bioware buffing/ changing classes in very rushed and sloppy way. And it's not me. I love PvP and found SWTOR pvp amusing and fun before 1.2. Now it's complete trash.

It's hard to describe how the PvP is worse because it was never really that good to begin with, but I'll give you an example:

If You Play Republic, This Is What Your Score Will Typcially Look Like. Note
If You Have Less Than 3 Medals, You Will Get No Reward.

Before 1.2, you would get a certain amount of rewards if you lose. It wasn't as much as the winner but it was better than nothing.

Now, they changed things to the point that you can get NOTHING AT ALL for doing PvP matches. Literally, nothing. It's now based on medals. If you get very few or none, it's almost if you didn't even play a match.

 And this will happen ALOT if you are playing on the Republic. I was just in a match, fighting the SAME pre-made Empire guild over and over. They would stomp us into the ground. This has alot to do with the "PvP" stats in game as well (which I find makes PvP worse in itself) but still let's say that wasn't even a factor.

The fact that you get NOTHING is stupid all together.

It's even more stupid because Bioware KNOWS 100% well that Republic is outnumbered or dead on almost every server. Not only that, on the server I am on, we barely, if ever, have a full team. So it's always 5 +/- Republic going against a full 8 man team of Empire.

I also say Bioware knows this because they are slowly leaning torwards making all the Warzones non -faction based. Which pretty much means Empire will be fighting Empire and Republic will fight Empire. See what I did there?

The sad part is, there are players ACTUALLY trying to play the PvP still. That part I DO NOT understand. For some of these players common sense will just never kick in. The PvP is imbalanced and not fun. Period.

But you know what? Instead of making some long post about this horrible broken PvP sytem, I'll leave you with some threads on the official forum where people are obviously not happy with this change to PvP:

 In fact, the only ones that seem to be happy are the Empire. I wonder why?

With that said, if people want my advise on if they should buy this game...

...then the answer IS NO.

I can deal with MMO developers making mistakes but Bioware just does not listen. They do not test their content properly. They have no clue how to run a MMO or what a MMO needs.

Do not waste your money and time on SWTOR unless it goes free to play or you just want to do PvE single player type things.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bioware Values You...If You Are Level 50 in SWTOR.

Many adult TaunTauns were killed in order to steal their children to be your slave.

Yesterday on April 12th, Bioware announced they would be giving their loyal subscribers that remained subscribed from day one a free TaunTaun pet and 30 free days.

Sounds great!

Bioware is finally giving back to the community it loves to rob so much.And I bet it has nothing to do with players leaving SWTOR in droves and all the negative feed back! Oh,wait a second...aren't you...aren't you one of those, "I didn't rush to 50 players" that still don't have a level 50 after almost 4 months? You are also one of those players that believed Bioware and thought a decent MMORPG consist of rolling alternative characters constantly?

Well then I would like to apologize as this offer does not apply to you.

No, for those of you that are not level 50  but subscribed the same time, you get nothing but the TaunTaun, which if you are lucky won't causes errors to your gameplay. Yes, you players that decided to roll alts because Bioware said it was an important part of the game are not important nor loyal enough to get 30 free days.

On a serious note, if you look at the forum, most of the people who constantly defended everything Bioware did are now up in arms about not being rewarded as well. Go figure.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be rewarded as well. I feel they should get 30 days free as well but it's kind of amusing to see the ones who called anyone who was dissatisfied "whiners", "complainers" and "entitled generation". And now they are complaining.

Amazing isn't it?

Because remember kids! Everything is fine and dandy until it's something that effects you!

I leave you with links to the rage:

The Real Reason for the Free 30 Days!
Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy

Also a bonus post for Legacy 1.2 and why I told you / will make a post about why it fails:

GUILD BANK GONE! items lost!


Quit SWTOR. Sucked Then, Sucks Now, Will Suck in 1.2 PT.2

Alright, just to let you guys know, this will probably be one of my last post about SWTOR...

I know. I just love giving my very biased opinion about SWTOR because it's everything I feel is wrong with the MMO genre wrapped up in a big ball of hype and failure-to-deliver. I don't believe I have hated a game this much since...All Points Bulletins. In a way, they are actually very similar.

APB and SWTOR that is. They were both published by EA, both lacked real content, both were hub games and both focused more on advertising than the horrible, broken gameplay.

Maybe I liked Bioware so much  I expected too much? Not sure!

Moving on! now if you STILL have forced yourself to play SWTOR, you probably have noticed the huge drop in server population unless however, you are on one of the few populated servers. And when I say "few", I literally mean that. If you stroll by the forums, the "loyal" Bioware fans however will make you believe otherwise.

I say this because most of them will consistently deny that most servers are either very empty or near death. They deny it to the point that if you were to show them any evidence of this server population deficiency (let's say the evidence is people on the forums begging for server merges, and screenshots of empty fleets), they will persist with denial. Usually, citing that they see no issue with population. But...

...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact the ones claiming there is no problem are usually on the two or three populated servers.

Anyhoo...Let's talk about how linear SWTOR is!

Now, I understand that a video game can only offer so much as far as exploration goes... But in SWTOR, it's almost as if they just cut the idea of adventure out completely.

First, Bioware claimed all this unique story, decisions matter blah blah blah. I will tell you that, not only are the "class" stories not "unique" because most of the stories (if not all) revolve around the same plot (Hunt this guy down, Stop this super weapon, Hunt this guy down)and they only count for about 10% of the missions. The rest of the missions are all the same for EVERYONE on your faction.

No, it isn't like alot of other MMOs where you have some type of option as to where you might want to do missions... unless you just completely skip those around your level. This is because you follow an invisible path that takes you from quest hub to quest hub, planet to planet etc. If you've played Rift and Warhammer you will know what I mean. Ironically, people from the Warhammer team helped with SWTOR...go figure.

The linearity of SWTOR is so bad that it made it VERY hard for me to make alts after 50. It's worse than a grind. It feels like TORTURE. I know, I know! "But on the SWTOR forum, people say they love making alts!" Yeah, that's because most people that have a bunch of alts still aren't level 50, barely play the game and/or are loyal to anything Bioware does. Probably even working for Bioware.

 I actually had to skip most of the missions on my alt and do PvP for levels just to  get through the tedious grind. PvP was a little better but after doing 100's of matches of the same three maps, I am sure you can imagine that also gets old too.


Oh man...end game/ normal content. Wow, not only was it broken, it was broken with the most stupid things I have ever seen in a game. And what made it worse, it's almost as if none of it was tested!

OH WAIT!...It probably wasn't because Bioware didn't allow players to have pre-made max level characters in beta nor did they allow it in this new 1.2 patch (which is why it is failure already; No ranked warzones, overpowered tank assassin class, matches usually unbalanced).

You had things like tons of mobs coming out of no where, couldn't delete missions to the point you HAD to do them, you die when you zone in to a instance after a wipe, bosses spawn that didn't reset, boss mechanics not working properly, companions not working properly, getting stuck on your ship etc etc. Some of these issues had work arounds, most didn't.  It was almost as if I we were playing a beta SWTOR still.   It was so frustrating, people would vent in guild chat, in general chat, on the forums, on my sleep, on my blog...well, you get the picture.

Another problem I have with SWTOR is the lifelessness. When every mob seems like it's just sitting there, waiting for you to kill it, there is no thrill in that. It's boring. Not only that, but ALL the mobs are usually spread out in the same format /pattern almost as if they just copy and pasted them up and down. Then having to dig your way through a tunnel of enemies only to have to dig yourself back through them...ugh.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

OT: EA Bots Rigging Petition...


Coincidentally, the same day people found out what they were doing, they shut it down and post this:

Thanks for standing up against homophobia.

More than 60,000 All Out members took action before our page came under attack from spammers. We've disabled the form, but want to assure everyone we've had no contact with EA regarding this campaign and are looking into the source of the spam.

You can read our press statement here and follow us on twitter @allout for more information.

Thanks for going All Out.

...And I can't say I am shocked.

Most of you know EA by now. 

If you don't, I will remind you that EA was voted the worse company in America for 2012. 

And I must say, that award was long overdue.

But now as the water boils and begins to rise, EA has unveiled their master plan to get you to believe
that all the backlash they get is from EA "defending their GAY consumers"...

 No seriously.

"Electronic Arts (EA) -- one of the largest video game makers in the world - is the target of a hateful boycott campaign. Why? Because they approved a gay romance story in one of their partner BioWare's most popular games: Star Wars: The Old Republic. "

Thanks to Reddits thewalking and JakeSteam

Make sure everyone sees this image, and understands the latest EA advertising trick is just that.  

 Yes, EA and Yoda want you to help them fight the darkside. 

And by "you", they mean automated bots that spam with praise and love for EA
defending their LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans) player-base after EA received 1000's of imaginary anti-gay hate mail.

This was also almost predicted to happen beforehand by a user on (comrade-stalin) which posted:

So instead of talking about the real problem, that EA is a greedy, soulless company that sucks up talented developers, has them make mediocre games for the sake of selling DLC and then spits them out when they fail....they decide to make Christians and Republicans out as the enemy.

That's fine I suppose. 

Christians can be the religious enemy.

Republicans can be the political enemy.

 And EA can be the game industry enemy.

See? Now everyone is happy!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Secret World! Sub. Fee,Cash Shop and No Information Oh MY!

So...where to begin....

The Secret World had announced it's payment model back in August 2011:

I figure they would change it but...looks like they are going ahead with what I feel is a suicide plan.

By the way, this thread they posted it in, is made up of many angry pages and they have not even responded to it.

But back on point.
I had a major issue with cash shops+sub. fees to begin with but liked the fact they had to balls to announce it ahead of time. Probably a mistake,but none-the-less, admirable. 

However, my opinion on Funcom, EA and MTs in a whole:

This game, The Secret World, is the type of crap I hate about MMOs and these greed developers because not only are they "double dipping" in potential revenue but they have given very little information about the game to begin with. Even less than what we got from Bioware with SWTOR.

So, not only do we know little about how this game will play, but they want me to PRE-ORDER it?'s not a joke?

No. It isn't.

By little info, I mean very little actual footage of the game and no information on how much the monthly fee will be. Ironically, this is almost the same marketing method used by EA with SWTOR.

But they have information on the cash shop which is selling character slots because you only get three character slots to begin with!

And don't worry! You know this game will "more than likely" be a huge success due to the fact they are offering a "Lifetime Subscription" plan for a low price of $199 (which is alot more for EU)! Because if the game gets cancelled, like APB and Hellgate, that lifetime subscription 
will be worth it!

Note that EA was involved with APB and Hellgate:London ; both failed horribly.

I bring that up because this game is almost a mix between those two with a Champions Online cash shop twist!

Ahh yes. 

Dark Days are coming indeed...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Quit SWTOR. Sucked Then, Sucks Now, Will Suck in 1.2 PT.1

Seems alot of SWTOR players have forgotten the rocky road torwards SWTOR's launch which stilll continues it's jagged path today but I'll try to refresh their memory. It's kind of hard to say anything good about the way Bioware handled all of this because most of it was bad.

I followed the SWTOR development on and off since 2008. Coincidentally, I was in my "star wars fanboy" phase and playing Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy a ton. So you can imagine I was pretty excited when I heard about Star Wars: The Old Republic being in development.

Not only this but I was a huge Bioware fan after Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins.

I never paid attention to the forum that much except for a quick peek to see what the community was talking about. It's better to stay away from the forums before the game is released since it's mainly filled with people dreaming and hoping (sometimes dictating) about what will be in the game.

Some years later with Bioware releasing small amounts of content /information on the game, I start to get the feeling the game isn't all it was being hyped up to be.

 Well, that along with the EA Louse thing and Warhammer team working on SWTOR...

Fast forward. Bioware dodging questions, still barely any info on SWTOR, strict NDA beta.

 I actually managed to find more "information" on SWTOR and got into beta. I pretty much went along with the whole "It's beta! It will get better!" idea people usually use to justify their favorite game looking nothing like what they imagined.  And though I turned my hype meter off long ago after disappointing games like Warhammer and APB...There was something about this game that was...wrong.

Fast forward. Bioware focusing more on hyping SWTOR, launching with tons of bugs and broken features, Wiped forum of past evidence.

SWTOR is launching with it's "early access" plan over a seven day period. Not only was this probably the worse idea ever, but it made it the worse MMO launch I have ever experienced.

Basically, people who paid the SAME PRICE for the game had to wait in a "que". This que was Bioware letting players into the game in order by which month they bought the game. Now I hope you can imagine how much the forums were on fire at this time. It was the people who were already in the game proclaiming how well a job Bioware was doing vs. angry customers who were...well..angry.

Biowares' whole reasoning for what they label as a "staggered release" was you create a "smooth launch". In other words, they wanted to pretend the servers were stable and would NOT have player ques by letting players in slowly...

That would have been acceptable I suppose...if it actually worked. Which it didn't.

Not only were the servers dead and empty because of this, but there were STILL huge ques. I'm talking, "Wait three hours to get in the game." ques. Then I get into the game and there is barely anyone to play with for group content.

Fast Forward. Leveled up, dealing with tons of bugs (some game breaking, some just annoying) and forum wars continue. Also, tons of exploiters either getting rich off the Slicing. Which nothing was done. In fact, there is a post on the official forums asking how many are millionaires.

Bioware gets tons of negative feedback on the forum about the amount of bugs and broken content. My guild is literally raging, myself included, about how much of the game is either not working properly or just frustrating. Bioware seeks to remedy this by releasing patches.

Now...normally, patches are supposed to "FIX" the game. Most of the patches released either didn't fix what they claimed to be fixing, made things worse or went into the game in what appeared to be untested states.

They claimed to had fixed "ability delay" (When you attempt to click your skills, it won't work if it's right after you do another skill. This leads to you not really being able to time attacks or have fluent effective combat responses) which was still very much in the game. They released the notorious "Ilum patch". Now, EVERYONE knew this patch was going to completely destroy Ilum content. There were so many post about it on the forum Bioware just seemingly ignored.

Well, not seemingly, they DID ignore them because they went ahead and patch it anyways. And sure enough what happened? Here's a clue for those that don't play SWTOR:

There are two factions. One Empire and one Republic.What used to happen was these factions would take turns destroying each others "war assests" which I agree should have been changed. However,
 on almost EVERY server, the Empire outnumber the Republic about 3:1.

The patch Bioware added to the game was one that would FORCE players to fight each other OR collect these "armaments" which have a slow respawn, are only in ONE place and you have to gather 30 of them.

Not only did this destroy Ilum as a "world PvP" zone. It helped most of the Empire players max out their valor ranks in ONE day. They did this by camping the Republic base due to sheer numbers. The guns that were SUPPOSED to keep them out were not working properely (go figure Bioware) and there was low FPS.

What did Bioware do to fix this? Nothing. What did Bioware do to fix the fact tons of Empire/Republic players gained max or near max valor in one day? Nothing.

To be continued....I'll discuss how linear the game is, how broken the end game content was/is, how there is no soul to the game and why legacy 1.2 will not fix the core problems with the game.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Used to Think I Was Done With Middle-Age Fantasy Games...Until I Took SWTOR to the Knee.

Either that number is fabricated, based on something else or just not even close to that. And I don't believe anything that comes from EA because anyone not a game industry "noob" knows what EA is good for.

And it ain't customer support.


I'm not seeing where these 1.7 million players are in SWTOR.

We have whole guilds that quit the game on my server and my guild makes up the majority of the Republic side active on now.

And most of us are leaving when GW 2 is out.

On top of that, I don't know anyone who either knows this game exist or plays it.
1.7 Million "Active" subscribers...doubt it...

James Ohlen said something a little bit ago about people "wanting SWTOR to fail"...Not only does it make it hard for me to take him serious when resorting to the average forum trolls taunts of  "You're a hater" but I think he just really thinks...that SWTOR is something to be considered "creative". 

Apparently, he is not looking at the same game I am.

The story is very repetitive. Even to the point where ALL the class stories are basically the same. 

"Chase this person down. Stop this "super weapon."

So maybe I am a hater. 

I hate shitty games obviously made with a lack of imagination and effort sheerly for profit.

Monday, February 13, 2012

OT: Ashley in Mass Effect 3 Modeled After Michael Jackson...?

Because she sure doesn't look like Ashley from Mass Effect 1 and 2...

Mass Effect 1

 Mass Effect 2

 Mass Effect 3...

Mass Effect 4...


Nice nose job and facial restructuring surgery there! 
And apparently, new eyes!

SWTOR's "Social" System is a Huge Flawed Design / No Community PT.1

 As I struggle through to enjoy SWTOR , I just can't help but wonder if I am being too picky or perhaps just jaded from all the other "Let's get rich quick!" MMO schemes that have been run into the ground post 2004.

Many things bother me about how this game is designed...however, there are just somethings in this game which I can't understand how it was even thought of as a "good idea".


The main aspect and reason "MMORPG" fans play them is to play with others. At least that's what I think!...

Basically, being social. 

Even this game is about that... but done completely wrong.

Being "social" in this game is as artifical as it gets. It's not really being "social" when you have to reward players or lure them with bait just to communicate/play with other players.

Social in SWTOR means grind in SWTOR.

A "Social" Life That Is!
I used to loathe people spamming general chat but I feel I'd rather see that now then no one saying anything at all other than "LFG HAMMER STATION" and NPC chat spam.

In fact, in game, there is no real community to be "social" with to begin with. And don't even get me started on the polarized forum community...

Back on is a grind.

And that is mainly because being "social" has rewards that are given as an incentive to get people to group because I feel they [Bioware] knew there wouldn't be a desire for player to want to play with others. Not only is it a grind. It's a tedious boring grind. Even worse when you have to sit through dialogue you have heard 10 million times because one person in your group hasn't. Especially those who only came for "story".


Not only was the "social" system a bad idea, it was created in lackluster fashion. As it stands now, people just grind Esseles over and over. You know why I think that is?

Because most people that play this game didn't  group for every single mission they had when they started the game. Gasp. Just like in other MMOs, most people will solo what they can and group when needed. And it didn't really help that the social points aren't even rewarding decent amounts of points.

Also, who really wants to go through all of that again on an alt?