Showing posts with label MMORPG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMORPG. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2016

WoW Legion. It's Nothing But RNG SHIT and SHIT GRINDING. Save your money.

Wow.  I had to try this expansion and well...

Blizzard hates fun and so do you if you think World of Warcraft is fun.

WoW is definately the MMORPG that ruined the whole entire genre.

People still play that fucking game. That's the most surprising thing. 

It's funny, I wanted to see what all the hype was about. People kept saying that Legion was "better". Legion is a step in "the right direction". Blah, blah, blah. 

A bunch of bullshit but these are the same people that still think Blizzard has millions of subscribers because their lives LITERALLY depend on the survival of World of Warcraft.

Well, that's what happens when you don't do shit but play video games kids! 

WoW Legion is not fun. At all.

It's not. It's a piece of shit game you're only playing because you invested your entire life around it. The only ones coming out winning with WoW is Blizzard and people that make shitty podcast sucking Blizzards dick.

Legion is a good example of how Blizzard staff don't know shit about their own community, they don't know shit about fun and just overall have the stupidest fucking ideas. Hell, most of their good ideas are just STOLEN from other games anyways so that's a no-brainer.

So uhhhhh...where was I? Oh yeah!

This game is fucking shit. I mean they fucking GUTTED, and I mean GUTTED all of the classes and called it 'Class Fantasy'. They changed the RNG system to where it's literally like the fucking LOTTERY to get items, just so they can keep you paying longer ( Because your character will almost never be complete), made everything, even professions and basic shit, into a grind. Everything in that game is a grind. They even added fucking TIME-GATES.

They added a stupid...and I mean stupid Artifact system that is SO APPARENT they won't carry it on into the new expansion it makes you wonder why the fuck they even added it.

Legion is nothing more than an ATTEMPT to keep you artificially hooked by controlling your progress every single inch of the way.

I don't feel sorry for people that play this shit anymore. 

They sit on the forums and bitch and complain about Blizzard listening to them but if they haven't figure in the last 6 years that Blizzard only gives a fuck about money then they deserved to get ass-rammed by Sylvanas with an orc strap-on.


*Sips some rum*

Saturday, July 23, 2016

WoW Legion: Nail In Coffin For WoW Community Gone Full Retard

World of Warcraft gets worse every expansion.

You know what's clear?

Blizzard staff is filled with 50 year asshole nerds that think they are better than their community and are CLEARLY out of touch with what "fun" is and void of just any type of coherent course for World of Warcraft.  And they don't give a fuck. As long as you buy their shitty services that go against almost everything a MMO is supposed to be.

At this point, Blizzard is just doing whatever the fuck they want. They released garbage like WoD which showed their COMPLETE lack of morals and
Years after years we have seen the same shit from Blizzard:

"Hey! Lots of players enjoy these features. Let's change it because they are having fun."
"Let's fucking dumb this game down more because it wasn't easy enough."

I mean, there is a paladin talent that LITERALLY automatically activates Divine Shield for you now.  

They pretty much stripped WoW of anything that requires a brain because they think you are all too stupid to figure it out. 

Which is partially true.

The WoW community is worse than ever. It seems like the more they dumb down the game, the more the community acts like spoiled children that kick and scream when they don't get what they want.

You go to Reddit WoW and it's literally a bunch of players that think they are "above" the WoW general forums when they are just as bad as general. I guess the difference is that there is more negativity on the WoW forums and more dick sucking on WoW reddit.

Then there are people like this idiot:

 Now. You notice how he seemed like he was complaining about the fact they added absurd prices to the game but then basically went, "Yeah I'M GOING TO BUY THIS SHIT!" and switched to a supportive stance. Fuck this guy. 

Which brings up another community point. Blizzard is obviously at the point where they realize most of us are going to complain but still subscribe because we probably have no other games to play.

(Also funny that many of these "Elite WoW players", were complete shit in Vanilla but became "pro" when Blizzard dumbed the game down.)

Hell, I re-subbed to this shit to because my friend kept telling me to come back. I first started off having fun in WoD then soon found that you sit in your FUCKING GARRISON the whole expansion. They only had 2 FUCKING PATCHES and ADDED MORE GARRISON SHIT. 

And what's the community excuse to defend this garbage developer? 

"WOW still duh best mmo on dah marketz!"

Blizzard doesn't give a fuck and they have not a shred of integrity or decency left. They are just in it to milk their players now. I ASSURE you that Subs are going to tank left and right about a month or two into Legion. Blizzard won't report it but you will notice it through their release of more MARKET shit and services as they try to keep the cash flowing in.

Hell. Blizzard is such a shit developer now I would fully expect them to SHUT WOW DOWN if they see it's popularity decline to the point that is obvious.

Their whole goal now is money and making the game "fair" because there are too many little bitches playing it that want everything without any effort. No longer a real community.

Blizzard completely destroyed World of Warcraft. Legion will be the end of it. That I assure you.

And don't expect any of these assholes Youtubers and Streamers that are promoted and make their money off of WoW to be honest.

I mean...go play Classic WoW and then this new pre-patch Legion WOW. GO. DO IT.

God I hope Star Citizen comes soon.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) Is Going To Be A Piece Of Shit. And You Know It.

Oh here we go again.

Another big named IP MMO being pumped out to collect a month worth the subscription fees before everyone quits because they figured out the game was worthless, uninspired GARBAGE.


I Sure Hope This Is The Console Version

First warning should have been that Zenimax is making the game, you know, the parent company and not Bethesda? The the major warning should be that the game is under a heavy NDA just like SWTOR. Also, the fact that this game was announced to be for consoles also...I don't care what anyone says...if you have been playing MMOs as long as I have been then you should know there is NO WAY IN HELL a MMO is going to be good if it's on a console. Just due to the fact that a MMORPG should be about THE WORLD you are in first. And I'm not talking linear "follow this straight path to all your quest" worlds.

So anyways back to what I was saying...

This game has BARELY released any information other than cherry picked content, prevents everyone from streaming or showing any videos of the game, does FAKE Reddit "AMAs" called "AUA"( AUAHAHAHAH) and is releasing this shit in April.

Have you seen the trailer video for this shit?

I mean, this reminds me of Rift/Warhammer instantly. Look at the stiff animations. Are the only spells in this game fire and electricity based? What the fuck is going on. I've seen more motion in rocks I threw across the street (and accidentally broke my neighbors window :( ).

This game seems to be copying the SWTOR gameplan to a T. I mean ALL the character bodies and animations are EXACTLY the same. For ALL RACES. This is just like SWTOR.

Heavy NDA without releasing much of any real information. Just like SWTOR.

Using a popular IP from a single-player game. Just like SWTOR.

Cherry picking questions to answer. Just like SWTOR.

Instanced, watered-down. map-pack MMO. Just like SWTOR.
Yup It's FUCKING SWTOR II: The Journey To Free to Play (and eventually shutdown)

I'm starting to think that these MMOs are just hoping to get as much money as they can during the first month then when shit goes down hill, start firing all the staff and blaming the people who had nothing to do with the games failure before the top bosses leave the company with their fat checks.


 That lizard looks completely ridiculous on that horse.

 Laugh out loud.  

Please. Stop Asking People To Watch Your Shitty Twitch Streams.

Let's talk about the retarded elephant in the room.

Everytime I go to a game blog or log into a MMO.

There is always someone going "HEY! WATCH MY STREAM HERE!"

Take your head set off.


The only time people want to watch videos of you playing is if you have useful information on a game because the game is either in beta , you are giving your opinion or commentary about what you think of the game (such as Totalbiscuit, AngryJoe etc) or you have The Walking Dead which is more of a movie than a video game.

I really see no point in watching SOMEONE ELSE play a game that is available to everyone unless you just can't afford it. And if you do get people to watch it, why would someone come back when you have nothing to offer. Think I want to watch a 48 hour stream of you sitting in town afk?


Then cut the shit out.

If you aren't doing anything unique or spectacular in the game that every single person on the planet can't do or hasn't done...stop.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wildstar Will Probably Fail and Go F2P. Sadly.

Getting kind of tired of this same MMO pattern. It's like these developers never learn or it could just be that...oh I don't know MMOs have just become a "Get Rich Quick" scheme...of sorts. So I am going to keep it short and to the point. Actually, I will post this way from now on.

I've been following "Wildstar" for quite some time and though the overly cartoon style ALMOST threw me off completely, I managed to continue checking up on the game from time to time.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Wildstar development team and I really wish they never made this mistake. Especially since they will in essence be going against an IP like The Elder Scrolls.

So now, here we are further into the development of Wildstar and we have talks of release dates, classes, pricing models and etc. etc. That's all great. Wildstar seems to be the game that has everything and is for players who have been waiting for a good MMO were developers "care" about their players. Everything about this game seems to be perfect right?!


Wrong because Wildstar is an IP jumping into a market where word of mouth will make or break your game into a thousand pieces and it's a shame that developers of MMOs still haven't learned this simple fact:

When it comes to a RPG of any sort, LORE is king over all.  For example, The Elder Scrolls Online might be complete garbage game-play wise but that won't matter at the start. People know TES. And even if they hate MMOs or never played one, people will play for the IP alone.

Lore...lore...lore...does no one care about lore anymore? Or does everyone just love their MMO fastfood?

I Barely Know Anything About The Elder Scrolls Lore... But It's More Than I Know About Wildstar's!
And no, I don't mean the lore INSIDE your MMO that most players are going to be skipping anyways, I am talking about the lore that is established long before you even created that MMO. Lore people are familiar with or can get familiar with outside of the MMO. This is why, in my opinion, any MMO developed should be based off some sort of existing franchise. Whether it's a book, comic, movie or game doesn't really matter but it SHOULD have established some sort of lore people can reference. People just feel more connected to things they know and feel they understand. It doesn't matter if everyone knows the lore because your core fan base will be there to rant on and explain it via forums, role playing servers and video blogs.

This disturbs me because I am currently writing my own fantasy novel and hope to create some sort of game based around it in the future

Right. Point.

Who Needs Lore When You Have Stereotypical English Accented Villains!

Now if this game was fully voiced such as SWTOR (which is a terrible game) that could help sell your lore but so far what I have seen from this game is the same reading, boring objective missions and "AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!" mob grinding.

 Your random MMO and IP that popped out of no where probably will never be a top MMO or retain even 50% of it's user base due to the fact no one has really "grown" with your IP. No one knows anything about the story, characters, world....ANYTHING. Nor will most players care to learn once they get past the first once and something new and shiny they ARE familiar with comes out.

Then again, using SWTOR as an example again, you could have all the lore and money in the world and still managed to develop one of the worst MMOs created. How is that possible?

 It's called putting money first and player satisfaction last.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Just Thinking: MMO Developers Should Not Expect High Subscriptions...

...because they will end up disappointed like most.

I never really understood the big hype and obsession with developers wanting high subscription numbers post-WoW. I thought the fact that MMORPGs were brought into the mainstream( due to WoWs success) was good enough. It was for me at least.

It's to the point where it's obvious the desire for high subscription numbers has little to do with the "cost" of running the game and more to do with seeing high profits.

Yes, I expect developers to make a profit but it feels as though the "profit" is all these developers think about now. It's no longer about making a fun game that even the developers enjoy. It's about how developers can take a feature they feel WoW lacks, and exploit it to attract players. Or in some MMOs case, an IP.

Anyways...was just thinking.

Bioware Values You...If You Are Level 50 in SWTOR.

Many adult TaunTauns were killed in order to steal their children to be your slave.

Yesterday on April 12th, Bioware announced they would be giving their loyal subscribers that remained subscribed from day one a free TaunTaun pet and 30 free days.

Sounds great!

Bioware is finally giving back to the community it loves to rob so much.And I bet it has nothing to do with players leaving SWTOR in droves and all the negative feed back! Oh,wait a second...aren't you...aren't you one of those, "I didn't rush to 50 players" that still don't have a level 50 after almost 4 months? You are also one of those players that believed Bioware and thought a decent MMORPG consist of rolling alternative characters constantly?

Well then I would like to apologize as this offer does not apply to you.

No, for those of you that are not level 50  but subscribed the same time, you get nothing but the TaunTaun, which if you are lucky won't causes errors to your gameplay. Yes, you players that decided to roll alts because Bioware said it was an important part of the game are not important nor loyal enough to get 30 free days.

On a serious note, if you look at the forum, most of the people who constantly defended everything Bioware did are now up in arms about not being rewarded as well. Go figure.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be rewarded as well. I feel they should get 30 days free as well but it's kind of amusing to see the ones who called anyone who was dissatisfied "whiners", "complainers" and "entitled generation". And now they are complaining.

Amazing isn't it?

Because remember kids! Everything is fine and dandy until it's something that effects you!

I leave you with links to the rage:

The Real Reason for the Free 30 Days!
Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy

Also a bonus post for Legacy 1.2 and why I told you / will make a post about why it fails:

GUILD BANK GONE! items lost!


Quit SWTOR. Sucked Then, Sucks Now, Will Suck in 1.2 PT.2

Alright, just to let you guys know, this will probably be one of my last post about SWTOR...

I know. I just love giving my very biased opinion about SWTOR because it's everything I feel is wrong with the MMO genre wrapped up in a big ball of hype and failure-to-deliver. I don't believe I have hated a game this much since...All Points Bulletins. In a way, they are actually very similar.

APB and SWTOR that is. They were both published by EA, both lacked real content, both were hub games and both focused more on advertising than the horrible, broken gameplay.

Maybe I liked Bioware so much  I expected too much? Not sure!

Moving on! now if you STILL have forced yourself to play SWTOR, you probably have noticed the huge drop in server population unless however, you are on one of the few populated servers. And when I say "few", I literally mean that. If you stroll by the forums, the "loyal" Bioware fans however will make you believe otherwise.

I say this because most of them will consistently deny that most servers are either very empty or near death. They deny it to the point that if you were to show them any evidence of this server population deficiency (let's say the evidence is people on the forums begging for server merges, and screenshots of empty fleets), they will persist with denial. Usually, citing that they see no issue with population. But...

...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact the ones claiming there is no problem are usually on the two or three populated servers.

Anyhoo...Let's talk about how linear SWTOR is!

Now, I understand that a video game can only offer so much as far as exploration goes... But in SWTOR, it's almost as if they just cut the idea of adventure out completely.

First, Bioware claimed all this unique story, decisions matter blah blah blah. I will tell you that, not only are the "class" stories not "unique" because most of the stories (if not all) revolve around the same plot (Hunt this guy down, Stop this super weapon, Hunt this guy down)and they only count for about 10% of the missions. The rest of the missions are all the same for EVERYONE on your faction.

No, it isn't like alot of other MMOs where you have some type of option as to where you might want to do missions... unless you just completely skip those around your level. This is because you follow an invisible path that takes you from quest hub to quest hub, planet to planet etc. If you've played Rift and Warhammer you will know what I mean. Ironically, people from the Warhammer team helped with SWTOR...go figure.

The linearity of SWTOR is so bad that it made it VERY hard for me to make alts after 50. It's worse than a grind. It feels like TORTURE. I know, I know! "But on the SWTOR forum, people say they love making alts!" Yeah, that's because most people that have a bunch of alts still aren't level 50, barely play the game and/or are loyal to anything Bioware does. Probably even working for Bioware.

 I actually had to skip most of the missions on my alt and do PvP for levels just to  get through the tedious grind. PvP was a little better but after doing 100's of matches of the same three maps, I am sure you can imagine that also gets old too.


Oh man...end game/ normal content. Wow, not only was it broken, it was broken with the most stupid things I have ever seen in a game. And what made it worse, it's almost as if none of it was tested!

OH WAIT!...It probably wasn't because Bioware didn't allow players to have pre-made max level characters in beta nor did they allow it in this new 1.2 patch (which is why it is failure already; No ranked warzones, overpowered tank assassin class, matches usually unbalanced).

You had things like tons of mobs coming out of no where, couldn't delete missions to the point you HAD to do them, you die when you zone in to a instance after a wipe, bosses spawn that didn't reset, boss mechanics not working properly, companions not working properly, getting stuck on your ship etc etc. Some of these issues had work arounds, most didn't.  It was almost as if I we were playing a beta SWTOR still.   It was so frustrating, people would vent in guild chat, in general chat, on the forums, on my sleep, on my blog...well, you get the picture.

Another problem I have with SWTOR is the lifelessness. When every mob seems like it's just sitting there, waiting for you to kill it, there is no thrill in that. It's boring. Not only that, but ALL the mobs are usually spread out in the same format /pattern almost as if they just copy and pasted them up and down. Then having to dig your way through a tunnel of enemies only to have to dig yourself back through them...ugh.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tera Beta Gameplay Videos

Howdy all, Aesr here.
The last Tera online beta I captured some gameplay of a Female High Elf Warrior. Fun stuff. You can find the three parts below. So far I have had some fun playing the beta. I recommend you check it out.

Its kinda long so I do not expect you all to watch it all. Just briefly watch for Tera awesomeness.

MMOPTICS Youtube Channel

Howdy, Aesr here:
 Me and Opollo have setup a youtube channel to upload the videos we make onto it. You can find it here:

As always, Aesr out.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium MMO Cancelled.

Well...this sucks.

 Eurogamer reported THQ would not be making the much anticipated Warhammer 40k MMO  but instead a single player / multi-player game due to financial problems after quarterly losses. 

Was hoping to play the MMO but what's even worse is...

...They had to let go 118 employees. 

Hopefully, if things pick up again, these people will be offered their jobs again.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can We Escape"WoW Syndrome"?

Oh that's right. 
Because every MMO you seem play there is someone that has to bring up something about Blizzard.

And for me, it's gotten pretty damn old. Every. SINGLE. MMO I have played, it is only a matter of seconds after joining a server when you start seeing people rant and rave about either how this game you are playing will kill WoW and Blizzard or why this game you are playing is so much different and better than WoW. 

I used to like WoW (in Vanilla) myself.  Even when I came from  Lineage 2, where they were trash talking WoW while it was in development, I thought it was one of the best games I had ever played and it became my home for many years.  

And I even understand the impact that WoW had on the MMORPG genre as a whole. 

But what I don't understand is why people have to bring up WoW constantly. 

You could talk about anything! Anything! 

And there would be someone comparing it to WoW, usually in a pessimistic way.

I feel it stems from players who don't really hate WoW but more likely had really bad experiences in WoW. Things like not being able to progress or just not being good at the game at all. I mean, even I hated WoW for some reasons such as Blizzard seemingly abuse of "paid services" and constantly changing the game to the point it wasn't even the same game anymore etc.

These things made me dislike WoW. When I played another MMO, the last thing I want to talk about or hear about was WoW. And it appears there are plenty of gamers that feel the same way. Except they can't stop talking about it or bashing it everytime they join a new game. 

Doesn't make me think they have real legit reasons for disliking it by spamming chat with how bad it is. I mean it's at the point where it's no longer about WoW, it's about Blizzard and anything they do. It's as if they think Blizzard is the ONLY company that practices in the way they do. As if their favorite game company wouldn't take a chance to get some extra money out of their fanbase. Some won't, but most do.

Because if you really hate WoW, the worse thing you can do is keep talking about all the time. And if you are going to bash it constantly, at least make it more than "WOW FAILS!" "BLIZZARD FAILS"...'s not 2010 anymore.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tera Online To Prove Interesting

So I recently bought the Tera Online collectors edition from the Enmasse website, (clicky me) and got into the Mach 23-25 beta event. I must say I am intrigued by this game. There are a total of 7 playable races and 8 playable classes and the character customization is pretty thorough to boot. Its not as great as Aion,s, but its a lot better than a lot of others. The graphics aren't as cartoony as swtor which really turned me off to swtor. 

One thing I always liked about mmos is the fantasy setting of them. It may be a cliche setting but lets face it, when has a sci-fi mmo been successful? Besides Eve Online.

One thing I hated about SWTOR is how bad pulling the map up was. You couldn't even move it and I felt restricted as most other mmos allowed me to freely zoom in, zoom out, and explore the world via the map. Well guess what? Tera online gives us two maps!

  The picture above shows us the area map. You can see quest npcs and waypoints of where you need to go to complete a quest. It also shows spots like campfires, vendors, trainers, etc. What is a campfire? A campefire quickly helps you restore your hp if you don't have any potions. In this game you don't quickly recover hp and mp aka swtor style, which made the game pretty boring in my opinion. (SWTOR not Tera.) You can toggle the area map on and off by pressing N.

   Here we have the classic map interface above me. By pressing M on the keyboard it toggles the interface and brings up my area in all its fine glory. *Sniff* I'm sorry folks, its been such a long time since I have seen such a great map interface I got all teary eyed. Time to move on.

     So now we are looking at the world map right above. From the previous picture there is an option called "Zoom out" right next to the "X" in the top right hand corner of the map interface that lets me zoom out of the map. Notice you can see where you are on the map, and its in the center. Charming, quite charming. Also a good thing to note is Tera starts you in a tutorial zone which is in fact the middle of the map where I am. I don't know about you, but I hate tutorial zones. It reminds me of Champions Online all over again.

        The above picture just shows what the game looks like without the area map. (N.)

 This is a unique feature I really enjoy in Tera Online. Walk near an aggressive mob and they don't charge you and try to kill you. Instead, they warn you with that exclamation mark above their head and the monster itself takes an aggressive stance and faces you the entire time. You can get away from the monster and it will no londer be hostile towards you. Stay near it too long and it will attack you. You can also just attack it.

Thats all for now. Before the beta ends I will play some more and give more thoughts on the game. This playthrough was only 30 minutes of goofing around and exploring the features. Could I been more in depth? Sure I could of but I wasn't. Until next time, Aesr signing off.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Aion Going Free 2 Play

Clicky me
Finally Aion is going free to play and thats a good thing. Aion has a lot going for it and I am sure many people will play it again. Its not that Aion wasn't a fun game its just that it had a lot of Korean aspects to it that didn't appeal to Western audiences. (Ex. Korean leveling model.) From what I am reading on the website, since its been out Aion has taken a 360 degree turn and is more appealing to Western audiences now, and is worth another shot when it goes free to play on April 11th, 2012. I for one loved the character customization on Aion as no other mmo goes as in depth as Aion did. Also with Aion 3.0, they have added a ton of stuff which makes the game sound fun.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

MMORPGs and Directors Lack of Imagination

Seems that plenty of games recently, especially MMOS, are suffering from really, REALLY horrible creative directors and others directing who just either don't really like games or have no clue about what they are doing.

It's those games that you log into and you are just like, "WHO THE HELL OK'D THIS?!"... One of those, "I know you could do better" games. And I could if I was the one directing a game. I have even written pages of ideas and concepts for a MMORPG that would have something for everyone. I will post that when I find where I put


People like blaming the publisher alot and though they may be at fault somewhat, when you get games with $300 million dollar budgets that produce crap...I think it's time to put a little blame on the developers as well. Though, I understand alot of times when games appear to be "unfinished" it is due to the publisher "rushing" the developers...SUPPOSEDLY...

But where was I...Oh yeah!

MMOs require good ideas foremost in my opinion. That's where it starts. Now in days, it seems that developers are just saying, "Ok, let's just copy WoW but make it look different!" which I think it's fine to get SOME ideas from WoW...but not just carbon copy it like alot of these MMO devs have done.

I think it's a good idea to pick up ideas from ALL types of MMOs, not just one that became extremely successful.

But in a way, that sort of let's us know which developers really want to make a game they love or who wants to make a profit. Though, that is how most or all industry works.

Even Pablo Picasso said, "Good developers love to innovate, great developers copy World of Warcraft."

Uh, at least I think that's right...