Showing posts with label reddit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reddit. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) Is Going To Be A Piece Of Shit. And You Know It.

Oh here we go again.

Another big named IP MMO being pumped out to collect a month worth the subscription fees before everyone quits because they figured out the game was worthless, uninspired GARBAGE.


I Sure Hope This Is The Console Version

First warning should have been that Zenimax is making the game, you know, the parent company and not Bethesda? The the major warning should be that the game is under a heavy NDA just like SWTOR. Also, the fact that this game was announced to be for consoles also...I don't care what anyone says...if you have been playing MMOs as long as I have been then you should know there is NO WAY IN HELL a MMO is going to be good if it's on a console. Just due to the fact that a MMORPG should be about THE WORLD you are in first. And I'm not talking linear "follow this straight path to all your quest" worlds.

So anyways back to what I was saying...

This game has BARELY released any information other than cherry picked content, prevents everyone from streaming or showing any videos of the game, does FAKE Reddit "AMAs" called "AUA"( AUAHAHAHAH) and is releasing this shit in April.

Have you seen the trailer video for this shit?

I mean, this reminds me of Rift/Warhammer instantly. Look at the stiff animations. Are the only spells in this game fire and electricity based? What the fuck is going on. I've seen more motion in rocks I threw across the street (and accidentally broke my neighbors window :( ).

This game seems to be copying the SWTOR gameplan to a T. I mean ALL the character bodies and animations are EXACTLY the same. For ALL RACES. This is just like SWTOR.

Heavy NDA without releasing much of any real information. Just like SWTOR.

Using a popular IP from a single-player game. Just like SWTOR.

Cherry picking questions to answer. Just like SWTOR.

Instanced, watered-down. map-pack MMO. Just like SWTOR.
Yup It's FUCKING SWTOR II: The Journey To Free to Play (and eventually shutdown)

I'm starting to think that these MMOs are just hoping to get as much money as they can during the first month then when shit goes down hill, start firing all the staff and blaming the people who had nothing to do with the games failure before the top bosses leave the company with their fat checks.


 That lizard looks completely ridiculous on that horse.

 Laugh out loud.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

OT: EA Bots Rigging Petition...


Coincidentally, the same day people found out what they were doing, they shut it down and post this:

Thanks for standing up against homophobia.

More than 60,000 All Out members took action before our page came under attack from spammers. We've disabled the form, but want to assure everyone we've had no contact with EA regarding this campaign and are looking into the source of the spam.

You can read our press statement here and follow us on twitter @allout for more information.

Thanks for going All Out.

...And I can't say I am shocked.

Most of you know EA by now. 

If you don't, I will remind you that EA was voted the worse company in America for 2012. 

And I must say, that award was long overdue.

But now as the water boils and begins to rise, EA has unveiled their master plan to get you to believe
that all the backlash they get is from EA "defending their GAY consumers"...

 No seriously.

"Electronic Arts (EA) -- one of the largest video game makers in the world - is the target of a hateful boycott campaign. Why? Because they approved a gay romance story in one of their partner BioWare's most popular games: Star Wars: The Old Republic. "

Thanks to Reddits thewalking and JakeSteam

Make sure everyone sees this image, and understands the latest EA advertising trick is just that.  

 Yes, EA and Yoda want you to help them fight the darkside. 

And by "you", they mean automated bots that spam with praise and love for EA
defending their LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans) player-base after EA received 1000's of imaginary anti-gay hate mail.

This was also almost predicted to happen beforehand by a user on (comrade-stalin) which posted:

So instead of talking about the real problem, that EA is a greedy, soulless company that sucks up talented developers, has them make mediocre games for the sake of selling DLC and then spits them out when they fail....they decide to make Christians and Republicans out as the enemy.

That's fine I suppose. 

Christians can be the religious enemy.

Republicans can be the political enemy.

 And EA can be the game industry enemy.

See? Now everyone is happy!