Showing posts with label free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2012

OT: Diablo III Beta Error 3003... EU Rages Even Though It's Free

Error 3003
Apparently, tons of people (mainly Europeans) have flooded the forums with comments such as "failed beta weekend" and other classics such as "blizz wake up EU test is an abortion".

This is due to Error 3003 which PROBABLY has something to do with the amount of people connecting to Diablo 3 servers's free.

So let's just forget that it's free and that the players complaining about the service of something free are being ungrateful...

Thinking about Error 3003 or connection issues on Diablo 3 free beta weekend?

All These Post And More Were Deleted In About 1 Second.
Well, don't bother posting it on the technical forum on the Diablo 3 website because it won't make it past two comments.

No, Blizzard is having none of that SWTOR forum troll nonsense in their house.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bioware Values You...If You Are Level 50 in SWTOR.

Many adult TaunTauns were killed in order to steal their children to be your slave.

Yesterday on April 12th, Bioware announced they would be giving their loyal subscribers that remained subscribed from day one a free TaunTaun pet and 30 free days.

Sounds great!

Bioware is finally giving back to the community it loves to rob so much.And I bet it has nothing to do with players leaving SWTOR in droves and all the negative feed back! Oh,wait a second...aren't you...aren't you one of those, "I didn't rush to 50 players" that still don't have a level 50 after almost 4 months? You are also one of those players that believed Bioware and thought a decent MMORPG consist of rolling alternative characters constantly?

Well then I would like to apologize as this offer does not apply to you.

No, for those of you that are not level 50  but subscribed the same time, you get nothing but the TaunTaun, which if you are lucky won't causes errors to your gameplay. Yes, you players that decided to roll alts because Bioware said it was an important part of the game are not important nor loyal enough to get 30 free days.

On a serious note, if you look at the forum, most of the people who constantly defended everything Bioware did are now up in arms about not being rewarded as well. Go figure.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be rewarded as well. I feel they should get 30 days free as well but it's kind of amusing to see the ones who called anyone who was dissatisfied "whiners", "complainers" and "entitled generation". And now they are complaining.

Amazing isn't it?

Because remember kids! Everything is fine and dandy until it's something that effects you!

I leave you with links to the rage:

The Real Reason for the Free 30 Days!
Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy

Also a bonus post for Legacy 1.2 and why I told you / will make a post about why it fails:

GUILD BANK GONE! items lost!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Aion Going Free 2 Play

Clicky me
Finally Aion is going free to play and thats a good thing. Aion has a lot going for it and I am sure many people will play it again. Its not that Aion wasn't a fun game its just that it had a lot of Korean aspects to it that didn't appeal to Western audiences. (Ex. Korean leveling model.) From what I am reading on the website, since its been out Aion has taken a 360 degree turn and is more appealing to Western audiences now, and is worth another shot when it goes free to play on April 11th, 2012. I for one loved the character customization on Aion as no other mmo goes as in depth as Aion did. Also with Aion 3.0, they have added a ton of stuff which makes the game sound fun.