Showing posts with label Forum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forum. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2012

OT: Diablo III Beta Error 3003... EU Rages Even Though It's Free

Error 3003
Apparently, tons of people (mainly Europeans) have flooded the forums with comments such as "failed beta weekend" and other classics such as "blizz wake up EU test is an abortion".

This is due to Error 3003 which PROBABLY has something to do with the amount of people connecting to Diablo 3 servers's free.

So let's just forget that it's free and that the players complaining about the service of something free are being ungrateful...

Thinking about Error 3003 or connection issues on Diablo 3 free beta weekend?

All These Post And More Were Deleted In About 1 Second.
Well, don't bother posting it on the technical forum on the Diablo 3 website because it won't make it past two comments.

No, Blizzard is having none of that SWTOR forum troll nonsense in their house.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Entitled Generation"...

Probably the worst phrase I've ever seen become"cool" to say on gaming forums. What makes it worse for me is that, the phrase seems to be used usually against people who have disagreements about ideas, features or what not of the said game.

I started to notice the phrase usage on the SWTOR forum. Usually,  people would complain and then you would have a few responding with "Entitled Generation" to quell the upset...However, fact is they didn't realise that if they EVER complained about anything, (and most people have) they also have felt "entitled" at that point in time.

I feel some gamers act as if though video games are free and "I" owe the company my devoted love and affection to them no matter what they do.

If anything, they owe me more than a game I can beat in one day.

Why is that? Because...

Developers and publishers(big companies) get rich off of their fans and they RARELY, if ever, give  anything back to their devoted  fans.

Only time they consider giving is at the time they need you and your friends to buy their products.

And no, DLC and MTs are not "giving" back.