Showing posts with label Blizzard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blizzard. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2016

WoW Legion. It's Nothing But RNG SHIT and SHIT GRINDING. Save your money.

Wow.  I had to try this expansion and well...

Blizzard hates fun and so do you if you think World of Warcraft is fun.

WoW is definately the MMORPG that ruined the whole entire genre.

People still play that fucking game. That's the most surprising thing. 

It's funny, I wanted to see what all the hype was about. People kept saying that Legion was "better". Legion is a step in "the right direction". Blah, blah, blah. 

A bunch of bullshit but these are the same people that still think Blizzard has millions of subscribers because their lives LITERALLY depend on the survival of World of Warcraft.

Well, that's what happens when you don't do shit but play video games kids! 

WoW Legion is not fun. At all.

It's not. It's a piece of shit game you're only playing because you invested your entire life around it. The only ones coming out winning with WoW is Blizzard and people that make shitty podcast sucking Blizzards dick.

Legion is a good example of how Blizzard staff don't know shit about their own community, they don't know shit about fun and just overall have the stupidest fucking ideas. Hell, most of their good ideas are just STOLEN from other games anyways so that's a no-brainer.

So uhhhhh...where was I? Oh yeah!

This game is fucking shit. I mean they fucking GUTTED, and I mean GUTTED all of the classes and called it 'Class Fantasy'. They changed the RNG system to where it's literally like the fucking LOTTERY to get items, just so they can keep you paying longer ( Because your character will almost never be complete), made everything, even professions and basic shit, into a grind. Everything in that game is a grind. They even added fucking TIME-GATES.

They added a stupid...and I mean stupid Artifact system that is SO APPARENT they won't carry it on into the new expansion it makes you wonder why the fuck they even added it.

Legion is nothing more than an ATTEMPT to keep you artificially hooked by controlling your progress every single inch of the way.

I don't feel sorry for people that play this shit anymore. 

They sit on the forums and bitch and complain about Blizzard listening to them but if they haven't figure in the last 6 years that Blizzard only gives a fuck about money then they deserved to get ass-rammed by Sylvanas with an orc strap-on.


*Sips some rum*

Saturday, July 23, 2016

WoW Legion: Nail In Coffin For WoW Community Gone Full Retard

World of Warcraft gets worse every expansion.

You know what's clear?

Blizzard staff is filled with 50 year asshole nerds that think they are better than their community and are CLEARLY out of touch with what "fun" is and void of just any type of coherent course for World of Warcraft.  And they don't give a fuck. As long as you buy their shitty services that go against almost everything a MMO is supposed to be.

At this point, Blizzard is just doing whatever the fuck they want. They released garbage like WoD which showed their COMPLETE lack of morals and
Years after years we have seen the same shit from Blizzard:

"Hey! Lots of players enjoy these features. Let's change it because they are having fun."
"Let's fucking dumb this game down more because it wasn't easy enough."

I mean, there is a paladin talent that LITERALLY automatically activates Divine Shield for you now.  

They pretty much stripped WoW of anything that requires a brain because they think you are all too stupid to figure it out. 

Which is partially true.

The WoW community is worse than ever. It seems like the more they dumb down the game, the more the community acts like spoiled children that kick and scream when they don't get what they want.

You go to Reddit WoW and it's literally a bunch of players that think they are "above" the WoW general forums when they are just as bad as general. I guess the difference is that there is more negativity on the WoW forums and more dick sucking on WoW reddit.

Then there are people like this idiot:

 Now. You notice how he seemed like he was complaining about the fact they added absurd prices to the game but then basically went, "Yeah I'M GOING TO BUY THIS SHIT!" and switched to a supportive stance. Fuck this guy. 

Which brings up another community point. Blizzard is obviously at the point where they realize most of us are going to complain but still subscribe because we probably have no other games to play.

(Also funny that many of these "Elite WoW players", were complete shit in Vanilla but became "pro" when Blizzard dumbed the game down.)

Hell, I re-subbed to this shit to because my friend kept telling me to come back. I first started off having fun in WoD then soon found that you sit in your FUCKING GARRISON the whole expansion. They only had 2 FUCKING PATCHES and ADDED MORE GARRISON SHIT. 

And what's the community excuse to defend this garbage developer? 

"WOW still duh best mmo on dah marketz!"

Blizzard doesn't give a fuck and they have not a shred of integrity or decency left. They are just in it to milk their players now. I ASSURE you that Subs are going to tank left and right about a month or two into Legion. Blizzard won't report it but you will notice it through their release of more MARKET shit and services as they try to keep the cash flowing in.

Hell. Blizzard is such a shit developer now I would fully expect them to SHUT WOW DOWN if they see it's popularity decline to the point that is obvious.

Their whole goal now is money and making the game "fair" because there are too many little bitches playing it that want everything without any effort. No longer a real community.

Blizzard completely destroyed World of Warcraft. Legion will be the end of it. That I assure you.

And don't expect any of these assholes Youtubers and Streamers that are promoted and make their money off of WoW to be honest.

I mean...go play Classic WoW and then this new pre-patch Legion WOW. GO. DO IT.

God I hope Star Citizen comes soon.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Q1 2015. Blizzard Loses 2.9 Million Subscribers. 7 Million Idiots Still Giving Blizzard Money.

For those of you that play WoW, don't care what Blizzard does or what direction the game goes in; this is not for you. Continue enjoying your game! Take your hippy Blizzard love somewhere else.

Those of you that continue to give Blizzard money even though you know that they are continuously fucking you over, post on the forums for years about how Blizzard has "lost their way" and don't give a shit about WoW as a game; come right in.

Let's start with the basics.

Blizzard lost the most subscribers they have ever lost in a three month period because WoD is the piece of shit it OBVIOUSLY was from the start:

This is what Blizzard said upon releasing their report to investors:

Blizzard Entertainment had the largest Q1 online player community in its history, up a double digit percentage year over year despite no major launches in the quarter. As expected and consistent with our experience following prior expansions, we saw a decline in the World of Warcraft subscriber number. Subscribers ended the quarter at 7.1 million. World of Warcraft’s revenue performance at constant FX has been more stable, driven by continued strong uptake on value added services, and price increases in select regions, which partially offset subscriber declines, particularly in the East. World of Warcraft remains the No. 1 subscription-based MMORPG in the world.

You know what the text highlighted in red means despite them trying to cover it up with bullshit language (I mean seriously, "strong uptake on value added services?")? 

It means that they don't give a shit about subscribers as long as they have enough players that will give them money for shit like character transfers, WoW tokens, pets, level 90 boost and all the other you players claim isn't "pay to win" (and WoW is P2W now no matter how hard you assholes try to morph the definition of it).

They don't give a shit about making a good game. They do however care about new ways they can stay longer (releasing expansions constantly for example) and making you pay for pay-wall content.

I mean Blizzard said in plain FUCKING ENGLISH :


That means, stop bitching if you are still PAYING TO PLAY WoW. You aren't helping by giving them money and praying that Blizzard sees the error of their ways.

You have morons now saying that Blizzard needs to release another expansion to FIX the expansion they they currently don't give a shit about....hahaha....

You people are stupid as fuck....ahhhh...

Not if you enjoy the game though!

Something grammar fix later yada yada.

Friday, April 20, 2012

OT: Diablo III Beta Error 3003... EU Rages Even Though It's Free

Error 3003
Apparently, tons of people (mainly Europeans) have flooded the forums with comments such as "failed beta weekend" and other classics such as "blizz wake up EU test is an abortion".

This is due to Error 3003 which PROBABLY has something to do with the amount of people connecting to Diablo 3 servers's free.

So let's just forget that it's free and that the players complaining about the service of something free are being ungrateful...

Thinking about Error 3003 or connection issues on Diablo 3 free beta weekend?

All These Post And More Were Deleted In About 1 Second.
Well, don't bother posting it on the technical forum on the Diablo 3 website because it won't make it past two comments.

No, Blizzard is having none of that SWTOR forum troll nonsense in their house.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blizzard is Trolling Bioware

Seems that even Blizzard is jumping in with subliminal torches of anger against Bioware.

Recently with the Supply Depot 2 Starcraft mobile game (Won't spoil it :)), Blizzard posted this:

The "color-coded endings" bit appears to be a stab at the highly controversial endings Bioware included at the end of Mass Effect 3 which were well....nothing more than different colors

Look at this video:

And the "DLC ending" part appears to be an allusion to people expecting Bioware to released DLC with a new more "appropriate" ending.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can We Escape"WoW Syndrome"?

Oh that's right. 
Because every MMO you seem play there is someone that has to bring up something about Blizzard.

And for me, it's gotten pretty damn old. Every. SINGLE. MMO I have played, it is only a matter of seconds after joining a server when you start seeing people rant and rave about either how this game you are playing will kill WoW and Blizzard or why this game you are playing is so much different and better than WoW. 

I used to like WoW (in Vanilla) myself.  Even when I came from  Lineage 2, where they were trash talking WoW while it was in development, I thought it was one of the best games I had ever played and it became my home for many years.  

And I even understand the impact that WoW had on the MMORPG genre as a whole. 

But what I don't understand is why people have to bring up WoW constantly. 

You could talk about anything! Anything! 

And there would be someone comparing it to WoW, usually in a pessimistic way.

I feel it stems from players who don't really hate WoW but more likely had really bad experiences in WoW. Things like not being able to progress or just not being good at the game at all. I mean, even I hated WoW for some reasons such as Blizzard seemingly abuse of "paid services" and constantly changing the game to the point it wasn't even the same game anymore etc.

These things made me dislike WoW. When I played another MMO, the last thing I want to talk about or hear about was WoW. And it appears there are plenty of gamers that feel the same way. Except they can't stop talking about it or bashing it everytime they join a new game. 

Doesn't make me think they have real legit reasons for disliking it by spamming chat with how bad it is. I mean it's at the point where it's no longer about WoW, it's about Blizzard and anything they do. It's as if they think Blizzard is the ONLY company that practices in the way they do. As if their favorite game company wouldn't take a chance to get some extra money out of their fanbase. Some won't, but most do.

Because if you really hate WoW, the worse thing you can do is keep talking about all the time. And if you are going to bash it constantly, at least make it more than "WOW FAILS!" "BLIZZARD FAILS"...'s not 2010 anymore.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stop Calling MO's in Disguise "MMO's"...

MMORPG or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. I think we "true" MMO fans know what I am talking about

You know, the "MMORPGS" that aren't really MMORPG's but rather games marked "MMOs" to get a piece of the World of Warcraft action. Countless games have been released  post-WoW and always under the genre of "MMOs".

Which "MMOs" am I referring to you ask?

Well let's look at a list of games I can think of off my head first.

All Points Bulletin - APB
World of Warcraft - WOW
Star Wars: The Old Republic - SWTOR
Hellgate: London - HGL
Guild Wars - GW
Lineage 2 - L2
Ultima Online - UO
Champions Online - CO
City of Heroes -COX
Global Agenda - GA

Games like APB, Hellgate London, SWTOR, Global Agenda and Guild Wars (1 not 2) just to name ones I have played personally.

Games like these aren't "real" MMOs in my opinion mainly because  there is very little that is "massive" about these games and usually no real role-playing elements in them (For the ones that include RPG at the end that is).

You will find that some of these games aren't labelled as MMO "RPGS" but rather MMO "FPS". I like to throw role-playing into the social department though which also makes up what an MMO"RPG" is.

Back on point!

 The major things you would notice about some of these games is that the world isn't "restricted" or "guided" as other "MMOs" are. Basically, there is something "massive" about some of these game other than the amount of players subscribed to it for it.

Take World of Warcraft and Lineage 2 vs Star Wars: The Old Republic and Global Agenda for example .

When you play WoW it feels like a world. I can explore, even do things like running my low level from one side of the world to the other. Same goes with Lineage 2. If I don't like my questing area, I could leave and go to another area. It may take some time, but I have a "choice".

Now let's look at SWTOR.

I am restricted to one starting zone until I become level 10. Once I get to level 10, I go to the Republic Fleet , which is obviously encouraged as it has ALL the things you need ironically in an unending circle,(Which is a "hub".For those not sure what a "Hub" is, it's a place created specifically to get players to gather. It's similar to what World of Warcraft did with their Cataclysm expansion)and I can only go to ONE planet until I finish my class mission and get my ship (unless I join someone else on their ship).

Also, SWTOR is heavily instanced akin to APB, which doesn't promote a "massive" experience but rather persistent social hubs. Likewise with Global Agenda, after your first mission and few levels, you are sent to the "central" area where all of the things you need are there.

Games like SWTOR and Global Agenda...AREN'T MMOS. Period. They are "MO's", Multiplayer Online. I say this because once you start "instancing" everything outside of strategic content (usually done to prevent outside interference from completing a specific goal) the game usually is no longer an MMO.

Especially when it's done in the fashion that you can only have 100 or less players in each instance.

What makes it worse is that you don't even have a "choice" to make it a massive experience in games like Global Agenda, SWTOR and APB. They are dictated to you through FORCED instance placement once an area because "full".

So please, stop calling social hub instanced games "MMOs".

I know these developers call there games "MMOs" but the reality is they are not making anything "massive" other than hype.