Showing posts with label fanboy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fanboy. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2012

Quit SWTOR. Sucked Then, Sucks Now, Will Suck in 1.2 PT.2

Alright, just to let you guys know, this will probably be one of my last post about SWTOR...

I know. I just love giving my very biased opinion about SWTOR because it's everything I feel is wrong with the MMO genre wrapped up in a big ball of hype and failure-to-deliver. I don't believe I have hated a game this much since...All Points Bulletins. In a way, they are actually very similar.

APB and SWTOR that is. They were both published by EA, both lacked real content, both were hub games and both focused more on advertising than the horrible, broken gameplay.

Maybe I liked Bioware so much  I expected too much? Not sure!

Moving on! now if you STILL have forced yourself to play SWTOR, you probably have noticed the huge drop in server population unless however, you are on one of the few populated servers. And when I say "few", I literally mean that. If you stroll by the forums, the "loyal" Bioware fans however will make you believe otherwise.

I say this because most of them will consistently deny that most servers are either very empty or near death. They deny it to the point that if you were to show them any evidence of this server population deficiency (let's say the evidence is people on the forums begging for server merges, and screenshots of empty fleets), they will persist with denial. Usually, citing that they see no issue with population. But...

...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact the ones claiming there is no problem are usually on the two or three populated servers.

Anyhoo...Let's talk about how linear SWTOR is!

Now, I understand that a video game can only offer so much as far as exploration goes... But in SWTOR, it's almost as if they just cut the idea of adventure out completely.

First, Bioware claimed all this unique story, decisions matter blah blah blah. I will tell you that, not only are the "class" stories not "unique" because most of the stories (if not all) revolve around the same plot (Hunt this guy down, Stop this super weapon, Hunt this guy down)and they only count for about 10% of the missions. The rest of the missions are all the same for EVERYONE on your faction.

No, it isn't like alot of other MMOs where you have some type of option as to where you might want to do missions... unless you just completely skip those around your level. This is because you follow an invisible path that takes you from quest hub to quest hub, planet to planet etc. If you've played Rift and Warhammer you will know what I mean. Ironically, people from the Warhammer team helped with SWTOR...go figure.

The linearity of SWTOR is so bad that it made it VERY hard for me to make alts after 50. It's worse than a grind. It feels like TORTURE. I know, I know! "But on the SWTOR forum, people say they love making alts!" Yeah, that's because most people that have a bunch of alts still aren't level 50, barely play the game and/or are loyal to anything Bioware does. Probably even working for Bioware.

 I actually had to skip most of the missions on my alt and do PvP for levels just to  get through the tedious grind. PvP was a little better but after doing 100's of matches of the same three maps, I am sure you can imagine that also gets old too.


Oh man...end game/ normal content. Wow, not only was it broken, it was broken with the most stupid things I have ever seen in a game. And what made it worse, it's almost as if none of it was tested!

OH WAIT!...It probably wasn't because Bioware didn't allow players to have pre-made max level characters in beta nor did they allow it in this new 1.2 patch (which is why it is failure already; No ranked warzones, overpowered tank assassin class, matches usually unbalanced).

You had things like tons of mobs coming out of no where, couldn't delete missions to the point you HAD to do them, you die when you zone in to a instance after a wipe, bosses spawn that didn't reset, boss mechanics not working properly, companions not working properly, getting stuck on your ship etc etc. Some of these issues had work arounds, most didn't.  It was almost as if I we were playing a beta SWTOR still.   It was so frustrating, people would vent in guild chat, in general chat, on the forums, on my sleep, on my blog...well, you get the picture.

Another problem I have with SWTOR is the lifelessness. When every mob seems like it's just sitting there, waiting for you to kill it, there is no thrill in that. It's boring. Not only that, but ALL the mobs are usually spread out in the same format /pattern almost as if they just copy and pasted them up and down. Then having to dig your way through a tunnel of enemies only to have to dig yourself back through them...ugh.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can We Escape"WoW Syndrome"?

Oh that's right. 
Because every MMO you seem play there is someone that has to bring up something about Blizzard.

And for me, it's gotten pretty damn old. Every. SINGLE. MMO I have played, it is only a matter of seconds after joining a server when you start seeing people rant and rave about either how this game you are playing will kill WoW and Blizzard or why this game you are playing is so much different and better than WoW. 

I used to like WoW (in Vanilla) myself.  Even when I came from  Lineage 2, where they were trash talking WoW while it was in development, I thought it was one of the best games I had ever played and it became my home for many years.  

And I even understand the impact that WoW had on the MMORPG genre as a whole. 

But what I don't understand is why people have to bring up WoW constantly. 

You could talk about anything! Anything! 

And there would be someone comparing it to WoW, usually in a pessimistic way.

I feel it stems from players who don't really hate WoW but more likely had really bad experiences in WoW. Things like not being able to progress or just not being good at the game at all. I mean, even I hated WoW for some reasons such as Blizzard seemingly abuse of "paid services" and constantly changing the game to the point it wasn't even the same game anymore etc.

These things made me dislike WoW. When I played another MMO, the last thing I want to talk about or hear about was WoW. And it appears there are plenty of gamers that feel the same way. Except they can't stop talking about it or bashing it everytime they join a new game. 

Doesn't make me think they have real legit reasons for disliking it by spamming chat with how bad it is. I mean it's at the point where it's no longer about WoW, it's about Blizzard and anything they do. It's as if they think Blizzard is the ONLY company that practices in the way they do. As if their favorite game company wouldn't take a chance to get some extra money out of their fanbase. Some won't, but most do.

Because if you really hate WoW, the worse thing you can do is keep talking about all the time. And if you are going to bash it constantly, at least make it more than "WOW FAILS!" "BLIZZARD FAILS"...'s not 2010 anymore.