Getting kind of tired of this same MMO pattern. It's like these developers never learn or it could just be that...oh I don't know MMOs have just become a "Get Rich Quick" scheme...of sorts. So I am going to keep it short and to the point. Actually, I will post this way from now on.
I've been following "Wildstar" for quite some time and though the overly cartoon style ALMOST threw me off completely, I managed to continue checking up on the game from time to time.
Don't get me wrong, I like the Wildstar development team and I really wish they never made this mistake. Especially since they will in essence be going against an IP like The Elder Scrolls.
So now, here we are further into the development of Wildstar and we have talks of release dates, classes, pricing models and etc. etc. That's all great. Wildstar seems to be the game that has everything and is for players who have been waiting for a good MMO were developers "care" about their players. Everything about this game seems to be perfect right?!
Wrong because Wildstar is an IP jumping into a market where word of mouth will make or break your game into a thousand pieces and it's a shame that developers of MMOs still haven't learned this simple fact:
When it comes to a RPG of any sort, LORE is king over all. For example, The Elder Scrolls Online might be complete garbage game-play wise but that
won't matter at the start. People know TES. And even if they hate MMOs
or never played one, people will play for the IP alone.
Lore...lore...lore...does no one care about lore anymore? Or does everyone just love their MMO fastfood?
I Barely Know Anything About The Elder Scrolls Lore... But It's More Than I Know About Wildstar's! |
And no, I don't mean the lore INSIDE your MMO that most players are going to be skipping anyways, I am talking about the lore that is established long before you even created that MMO. Lore people are familiar with or can get familiar with outside of the MMO. This is why, in my opinion, any MMO developed should be based off some sort of existing franchise. Whether it's a book, comic, movie or game doesn't really matter but it SHOULD have established some sort of lore people can reference. People just feel more connected to things they know and feel they understand. It doesn't matter if everyone knows the lore because your core fan base will be there to rant on and explain it via forums, role playing servers and video blogs.
This disturbs me because I am currently writing my own fantasy novel and hope to create some sort of game based around it in the future
Right. Point.
Who Needs Lore When You Have Stereotypical English Accented Villains! |
Now if this game was fully voiced such as SWTOR (which is a terrible game) that could help sell your lore but so far what I have seen from this game is the same reading, boring objective missions and "AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!" mob grinding.
Your random MMO and IP that popped out of no where probably will never be a top MMO or retain even 50% of it's user base due to the fact no one has really "grown" with your IP. No one knows anything about the story, characters, world....ANYTHING. Nor will most players care to learn once they get past the first once and something new and shiny they ARE familiar with comes out.
Then again, using SWTOR as an example again, you could have all the lore and money in the world and still managed to develop one of the worst MMOs created. How is that possible?
It's called putting money first and player satisfaction last.