Wednesday, November 20, 2013

EA To Destroy Star Wars IP By Making Games Like SWTOR For Another 10 Years.

So...EA's chief financial officer "Blake Jorgensen" just said this on Eurogamer:

"Yes the original expectations obviously were very, very large and obviously the multiplayer MMO world has - the popularly has come down over time and we tried to restructure the Star Wars business to better match the economics. It's a great business that's very repeatable," he added. "We brought the economics in line so it's a profitable business for us."


Dear Jedi Jesus: Please Make Disney See The Light And Stop EA From Making More Star Wars Games.


Don't "RESTRUCTURE THE BUSINESS". This is the EXACT problem. Look at how he talks about the VIDEO GAME. They aren't worried about players having fun or enjoying the game. They are worried about how much money they can make every quarter.


Make REAL games that aren't meant to MILK the IP!

Put REAL effort into listening to your community!

Only people that currently play SWTOR are the people they thought would be the majority, the people who are die hard Star Wars fan. They are the only ones who don't care or don't notice just how bad the game is because they don't know any better or anything else.

I am seriously tired of EA and their sh--!



Anonymous said...

"Yes the original expectations obviously were very, very large, and obviously the multiplayer MMO world has – the popularly has come down over time and we tried to restructure the Star Wars business to better match the economics.

It’s a great business that’s very repeatable, We brought the economics in line so it’s a profitable business for us."

Translation: Obtaining the untested Hero Engine was a mistake. The players voted with their wallets, and the business was no longer profitable. So we Designed the Cartel Coin to milk all we could from current subscribers for all the missing revenue we no longer had since the mass exodus. We charged ridiculous absurd prices for idiotic recolored items and we're making a killing again. Thank you suckers!

iOnlineGame said...

Pretty much exactly what they did.

It's only a matter of time before SWTOR is shutdown.

But I am sure they will have a "celebration" as if that makes it all better.

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